Posts by Christopher Kephart

How to Quit Smoking for Good

Quit Smoking
Cigarette And Wooden Blocks Close-up
In the United States alone, nearly 34.3 million adults smoke cigarettes, and 16 million Americans have a disease caused by smoking, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While these numbers have been on the decline, there are many people who are still smoking and would like…

Which Quit Smoking Book Is Most Helpful?

Quit Smoking
Smiling brunette woman in eyeglasses reading book
There are many quit smoking books on the market for those looking to get off cigarettes and stop using other tobacco products. Books can also be more comprehensive than articles and provide in-depth information and tips about how to stop smoking for good. We highlight some of the most popular…

Vaping Advice for Parents: How to Get Your Kid off Vapes

Quit Vaping
vaping advices for parents
Many parents are finding out that their children have started vaping. For parents who have tried to teach their children that they should avoid tobacco, drugs, and alcohol, it can be quite disconcerting to find out that their son or daughter has found something unhealthy to do that they never…

10 Vaping Facts: Info about Vaping That Will Surprise You

Quit Vaping
vaping facts
Vaping is a method of taking nicotine into the body without using electronic cigarettes or other forms of tobacco. There are well-documented instances of vaping devices exploding and causing injury – even death. But, while there are several harmful effects associated with vaping, there is also a lot of fear-mongering going…

Over Cigarettes? Which Quitting Smoking Apps Can Help

Quit Smoking
Man with a phone smiling
Technology is increasingly helpful with a variety of daily tasks: grocery shopping, getting gas, cooking, working, exercising and more. Now, it can even help those who want to quit smoking. Quitting smoking apps are a tool that can help those who are ready to stop smoking cigarettes and using other…

Smoking and The Environment – Effects and What Should Be Done

Quit Smoking
Crystal globe on the grass
Over time, tobacco and its negative effects has become a topic that is popular on the mouth of everybody. However, only few people think of the environment when talking about the negative effects of tobacco.  Unfortunately, the environment is the worst hit by activities of the tobacco and cigarette industry.…

Is Vaping Bad for You?

Quit Vaping
Is Vaping Bad for You?
Vaping is a way of consuming nicotine, marijuana, tasty clouds through material/liquid vaporization. Also vapes alow producing flavorful nicotine-free clouds. It has been around for a long time now, and people once thought that it was a safe, risk-free alternative to tobacco products. People are beginning to doubt that vaping…

Teens Vaping: A Guide for Parents on the Risks of Vaping

Quit Vaping
teens vaping Health Risks
Over the past several years, there has been an alarming trend in vaping among teens. More and more teens are starting to vape, and parents, school administrators, and health care officials are growing increasingly concerned.  This topic has been trending as of late because of the growing popularity of vapes…